Oftentimes, I think about my unfulfilled dreams and the endeavors I have recently accomplished. Many of which could have been completed many years ago if I had complete faith in myself when I was younger. In the past, I had the propensity to talk myself out of tackling set goals. But I always knew I was very capable of achieving pretty much anything.
So, what held me back? One answer: FEAR.
Fear of failure. Fear of the unknown. Fear of what others would think (rolls eye emoji). Fear can keep you stagnant, in your head, and in some instances stuck. But I’ve learned that fear is an emotion and it’s not real! It’s simply negative self-talk that creates self-imposed setbacks. Anything is possible when you put your mind, effort, and work hard to achieve it. If you want to start a business, invent a new product, travel the world, save money, obtain a college degree, you can do it!!! Yes, you might encounter a few setbacks and obstacles along the way, but if you’re relentless, you can accomplish anything.
Fear can keep you stagnant, in your head, and in some instances stuck.
After years of debating whether I should start a blog, I stopped doubting myself and just started to write. I would struggle with thoughts like, “will people be interested?”, “will they be inspired?”, “Oh gosh, I’ll have to deal with internet trolls”. All these thoughts occupied my mind to the point where I just didn’t pursue my dream. Fear played a major role in
How to Overcome Fear and Follow Your Dreams?
I started to embark on my dreams and goals by having clear intentions and planning my ass off until my goals were complete. Here are a few steps you can take to overcome fear, set clear objectives, and hustle until you achieve your dreams.
1. Set clear and attainable goals
To be successful, you should set clear and achievable goals. Be specific on what you would like to accomplish; and most importantly, the outcome you wish to achieve. Start by writing a list (or even a vision board) of your goals. Putting it on paper is a great way to start the planning phase and project the outcome.
2. Plan
Planning is essential to complete any goal. A solid actionable plan will guide you in the execution phase. Be sure to determine each necessary step to make your game plan a reality. In the planning phase, conduct thorough research to learn and enhance your knowledge. I normally learn by reading books and online articles, attending workshops and seminars, listening to podcasts and watching YouTube tutorials.
3. Have Confidence and a Goal-Driven Mindset
Above all, confidence is one of the most important traits that successful people possess. Believing in yourself is a significant characteristic that will propel you to complete your goals and ambitions. Don’t consume yourself with what other people may think. They are not on your personal journey! It’s your life to live!!! Also, push through urges to procrastinate, overthink, or revel in fear.
4. Execute
Take Action! It’s super easy to have a goal, and it’s easier to have a plan. The hardest part can be executing it! Go for it! Take the necessary actions to make your dream a reality. You can do it!
5. Reflect
Was your plan successful? If not, what did you learn? Take time to reflect the outcome of your pursuit. And remember, there is no such thing as failure. Every obstacle or setback is a learning lesson.
Talk to me!
Do you have any goals that you have been holding off on? What’s holding you back? And what strides are you taking to complete your goals?
I would love to hear from you, so please feel free to share comments, questions, and feedback below.

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